Thursday, October 27, 2011

stand up !

I will try VERY hard not to be a downer..
 What is the matter with people in the world. Why is everyone so afraid to stand up for what they believe in?
It isn't easy, making a stand. You usually make some enemies, people that are on a different wavelength than you, or just prefer things of a different order.
It  happens with your children, sometimes they are involved with things or people that are a danger to their well being. As a parent it is your responsibility to steer them away. I have time and again. Told my kids "I love you enough for you to hate me". Your kids well they love you again, eventually.
Family members that are mean to others, put up your hand and say "enough".
Friends that have been beat down by their partners, help them up and to get stronger.
So why is it that most people take the easy way out?
Turn their back?
Say nothing, or just a little?
You don't have to be a jerk, but we should all care more for the people God put in our lives.
He gave us two legs, and a free thinking mind, stand-up and quit being a door mat.

Friday, October 21, 2011

a days work...

About a year ago I received a link from my friend Glenni, for these darling fabric birds. So today I decided to try my hand at some. They go together real fast, and you can just use from your scrap pile. I will include the link so if you so desire you can make some yourself......
I am going out now to look for some sticks to make the mobile...

p.s. Yes, I used pink thread because I was too lazy to change......

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Money Monsters

Making good on my goal to list new things on my Etsy account, which has the same name, Tangerine Pug. Listed my original design, Money Monsters! Little, well really on the bigger side, wool coin purses made from re cycled wool sweaters. Zipper closure, keeps money safe inside. Large enough to hold bills and coins. These all have a tongue, which sticks out when you open it. Please click on the link below to see the Etsy listing.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

A day late.......

Yesterday, I set a goal for myself, list something on Etsy. Well since it was such a fun filled day with my good friend Debbie, of Cucaroo. spent at  Glitterfest! Held at the Elks Lodge in Santa Ana, what a treat! So many talented ladies in one room. Then Lunch at Mimi's Cafe. Thank you to Linda of LinSueRay, what a enjoyable day.
So after all the fun, a little family dinner celebrating my sister Shellie's 50th B-Day.

As you might guess, I never got around to doing the listing until today. Better a tad bit late, than never.  I have had these charms for a bit, all of them are done with quality Silvergleem solder. They are beautifully done. I just need to thin the herd a bit, enjoy.....